Engineering College in Sriperambudur-SVCT - Kanchipuram

Friday, 24 June, 2022

Item details

City: Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu
Offer type: Offer
Price: Rs 10,000


Contact name Srinivasan Hari
Phone 9600018999

Item description

SVCT has become a pioneer engineering college in Chennai. The college is affiliated with ANNA University. SVCT is one of the best engineering colleges in India, ranking at the top engineering colleges for its excellent education. At SVCT, We certainly believe that we can prepare the next generation for the future. The vision of the college is to generate knowledge through a harmonious blend of modern technology to serve the society by developing students heightened intellectual, cultural, moral, and humane perceptiveness. Our vision is a commitment to regional and national development in consonance with our culture, heritage, and environment. Choose us your the engineering colleges in Kanchipuram.